Weekly Provisions


Kniha: Weekly Provisions
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Kniha: Weekly Provisions

12 complete Sunday lunches transform into 100 ideas for using up the leftovers during the weekAll the time- and money-saving benefits of batch-cooking - but with way more fun, flavour and variety. In today's world, where money is tight and people are busy, taking some time at the weekend to cook and share a truly delicious meal that's full of comforting goodness can help you to forget your worries, restore balance, and reconnect with loved ones. Best of all, it won't fill you up for just one day, but leave enough for quick and cheap platefuls later in the week, with zero food waste.Sunday to Saturday is packed with recipes for 12 complete Sunday lunches - each with a starter, main, side dish and dessert - followed by more than 100 creative ideas for turning what's left into new meals and snacks during the week. Whip up a delicious breakfast using leftovers from your Cherry Almond Fudge cake to make marscapone and cherry French toast with a glass of cherry ice tea; then magic the remains of a roast chicken and side of cheesy baked leeks into a leek and potato soup for lunch and Chicken and Ginger Broth with noodles and spring onions for dinner. So say goodbye to sad leftovers and boring batch-cooking, and let chef Kimberley Duke show you a new way to cook that's easy on your time and money, but big on taste and pleasure!
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Katalógové číslo
Weekly Provisions
Druh tovaru
241 x 203 mm
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Posledné kusy u vydavateľa. Dodané množstvo a termín negarantujeme.
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