Life is Strange (Volume 1)


Kniha: Life is Strange (Volume 1)
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Kniha: Life is Strange (Volume 1)

Titan Comics and SQUARE ENIX(R) are thrilled to announce an all-new graphic novel set in the world of the critically acclaimed, award-winning, highly successful video game series, LIFE IS STRANGE(TM). Titan Comics' LIFE IS STRANGE(TM) returns readers to the setting of Arcadia Bay, offering fans the opportunity to dive back into the story of its beloved characters. The popular and celebrated video game, LIFE IS STRANGE(TM), is available on PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation, XBOX and iOS.Achieving undeniable success, LIFE IS STRANGE(TM) has sold over 3 million units to date across all formats. The first game in the series, LIFE IS STRANGE(TM), follows the story of Max Caulfield, a senior majoring in photography who discovers that she can rewind time when trying to save her best friend Chloe Price. The pair investigate the mysterious disappearance of fellow student Rachel Amber, and uncover a dark side to the life in Arcadia Bay.Meanwhile, Max quickly learns that changing the past can sometimes lead to a devastating future. Launching episodically in 2015, the game quickly secured incredible acclaim - with over 75 Game of the Year awards, nominations, and industry accolades including the BAFTA award for Best Story, the Peabody Award, the Golden Joystick Performance of the Year, and the Game Awards 'Game for Impact' Award. An equally well-received prequel game, LIFE IS STRANGE(TM): Before the Storm, launched on August 31, 2017 on PC, XBOX ONE(R), the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and PlayStation(R)4.Developed by DeckNine Games, Before the Storm winds the clock back three years, to chart the nascent relationship between Chloe Price and Rachel Amber.
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Katalógové číslo
Life is Strange (Volume 1)
Druh tovaru
172 x 259 mm
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