Young Women

GBR Anglicky Manilla Press

Kniha: Young Women
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Kniha: Young Women

READERS LOVE YOUNG WOMEN:'Hands down, this is an absolutely phenomenonal book! I recommend Young Women to everyone out there, one you'll be hearing about for a long time to come''Young Women instantly grabbed me from the first chapter. I devoured this novel' 'Incredibly powerful . .. essential reading for all.''A sharp, beautifully written and powerful book about women navigating life in their twenties''A really brilliant and insightful look into female friendship and how we navigate a patriarchal world . .. Loved this''A brilliant read. Wonderful well-written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.Great suspense and very thought provoking. Can't wait to read what the author brings out next'AN INTOXICATING FRIENDSHIP. AN UNFORGIVABLE BETRAYAL.From the Observer debut novelist of the year, an addictive new novel where a fierce new female friendship will unearth a secret that could change everything . . .Everyone's got that history, I guess. Everyone's got a story. When Emily meets enigmatic and dazzling actress Tamsin, her life changes.Drawn into Tamsin's world of Soho living, boozy dinners and cocktails at impossibly expensive bars, Emily's life shifts from black and white to technicolour and the two women become inseparable. But after a bombshell news article breaks, Emily begins to realise that Tamsin has been hiding a secret about her past. A secret that threatens to unravel everything .. . 'Confirms Jessica Moor as one of the most exciting new voices of the decade' Erin KellyAmbitious and arresting' Beth Underdown 'Vividly engaging' Winnie M.Li'Brilliantly written' Kate Sawyer 'Painfully real' Hanna Jameson'Provocative, thought-provoking' Bexy Cameron 'Visceral' Stylist'A timely read' Prima 'A slick cautionary tale' Sunday Times'Utterly engrossing' Louise Nealon*Observer best debut novelists of 2020 - 26th Jan 2020

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Katalógové číslo
Young Women
Druh tovaru
129 x 197
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Sadzba DPH

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