Warsim: The Realm of Aslona (PC) Steam Key

Kód: 10000081901001
€3,77 €3,14 bez DPH
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Návod pre uplatnenie elektronického kľúča tu: manual

Detailné informácie

Podrobný popis

In 'Warsim: The Realm of Aslona' your only goal is to keep the Kingdom of Aslona from destruction, how you do it is entirely up to you, you may be a harsh dictator charging people for walking and breathing air, or a blood-hungry warlord commanding armies and mercenary bands on invasions and raids of enemy lands, or perhaps a charismatic diplomat who arranges trade routes with everyone from goblin tribes to orcish Chiefdoms.

The goal of the game since early development has been to allow the player to rule and do what they want, with the relevant consequences.
Key features
  • Randomly generated mercenary groups you can hire to fight your enemies

  • Randomly generated independent kingdoms you can trade with, battle, explore and even vassalise

  • Randomly generated goblin tribes you can attack or trade with

  • Randomly generated Bandit groups who rob your lands and attack your people

  • Tons of hidden areas to discover by exploring, such as demon gates and magical wells

  • A huge arena that you can arrange tournaments in and bet on fights

  • Randomly generated musicians with strange songs

  • Random events at every turn that will keep you on your feet

  • Kingdom upgrades in everything from guildhalls to harvesting

  • Change the laws of your kingdom to suit you best

  • Open a hall of knights dedicated to whatever you wish

  • Over 1 quadrillion randomly generated faces

  • Millions of randomly generated races

  • Tons of other randomly generated things like: flags, phrases, currencies, buildings, architectural styles, naming conventions

  • And so much more...

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Steam
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Vydavateľ: Huw Millward

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